Our Mission
The SkyBank DAO is the first ever platform to embody a business model with one express purpose: to provide a mechanism that stimulates energy efficiency innovation across the entire global supply chain, driven solely by free market mechanisms.

The SkyBank DAO does not emerge from conventional financial or economics-driven expertise. Scientists and engineers from around the globe have long understood that sustainability decisions must be rooted in the underlying thermodynamics and physics of the earth's ecosystem - in other words in accordance with the fundamental principles of nature.
We are now at an exciting juncture - a unique point in history where the necessary technologies have converged to make this a reality. Our team of partners has created a framework for quantifying the sustainability of energy supply chains and embedded it in a token-based platform into which new and emerging energy technologies may be integrated for automated reporting and verification purposes.
We have recognised that the underlying thermodynamic economy is inextricably bound to the biosphere, so all anthropocentrically sustainable energy solutions must operate as part of that system.
When the boundaries of our global energy supply and use system are properly defined, it becomes clear that this extremely complex thermodynamic system forms the basis of all human activities in the globalised industrial world. At the core, there is the fact that energy is the one and only resource that cannot be replaced with anything else. From this standpoint, far from being mutually exclusive objectives, sustainability and profitability in energy terms converge and the pursuit of one objective naturally manifests the other.
We refer to this as "Integrative Ecology" where value to human civilisation equates to value to the biosphere and vice versa. This can only be sensibly implemented when the EROI of the entire energy supply chain can be quantified, verified by immutable certificates of origin and correctly accounted for within appropriately selected model boundaries.